So, after getting to Prague very late that Wednesday night, I had just enough time to throw all of my clothes in the wash and get ready to catch my 6:00 am flight the next day. My travels went smoothly and when I arrived in Estonia and got checked into my hotel I finally took some much needed down time and relaxed a little before wandering into Old Town that night. My roommate, Madison and I walked to Old Town and had a delicious dinner at a little place called Rataskaevu 16. For my first meal in Estonia it was absolutely delicious. We spent the rest of the night just walking around and getting acquainted with the city.
The next day began the weeks itinerary. We had our first lunch as a group, a delicious three course meal and the dessert was wonderful. If there is one thing I absolutely loved about my week in Estonia it was the food. Holy cow it was good. After getting acquainted with each other and how the week would go, we took off for the US Embassy. We spent the afternoon meeting the US ambassador, Jeff Levine. He had wonderful things to say about Estonia and how far they have come in the last 25 or so years after gaining their independence from the Soviets. Meeting him and being in the embassy was quite an experience. Later that day I enjoyed elk soup and dark beer for dinner (also delicious) and continued to find my way around Old Town and shopped a little of course. For having seen only a few other medieval cities, this one was absolutely beautiful. The city is walled in but also on the coast of the Baltic Sea so it was so it was especially beautiful. That night we even experienced some Estonian night life and mingled with the locals. For just meeting, us Huge scholars had a wonderful time getting to know each other and roaming around Tallinn. I even had a drink with "Vana Tallinn", a traditional Estonian liquor, and it was delicious so of course I had to get some to bring home.

Old Town, Tallinn, Estonia

Going out in Old Town

The Huge Scholars at the US Embassy
The next day, we started off on a walking tour of Tallinn given by a local Estonian, Kalle. Harry Huge, the founder of the Huge Foundation and the benefactor of my scholarship, was a lawyer in Washington DC during the time that Estonia was looking to get its freedom from Soviet Russia. With his help and the collaboration of a few Estonian revolutionaries, they were able to file a lawsuit against the Soviets and gain independence. During my week in Estonia, I was able to hear first hand stories from these Estonians, Kalle and Jaak, and also Harry Huge, about what life was like in Estonia during the occupation and revolutionary times. Hearing this history from those that know it best and experienced it, made it all the more real. Anyway, Kalle took us on a walking tour of the city where we saw many churches, including the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, a beautiful Russian orthodox church. This was one of my favorite parts of Old Town as it is a typical Russian orthodox style church, but it was really cool. Most people don't get to see this Eastern European architecture type on their trips to Europe. Another favorite part of the tour was Toompea Hill, which provided beautiful views of the city and the Baltic Sea. When exploring on my own, I somehow managed to end up there at sunset. Absolutely beautiful.

The view from Toompea Hill

I left a piece of my heart in estonia.

The Alexander Nevsky Cathedral

One of my favorite spots in the city if you can't tell.

Our group after the walking tour of the city.
That night we got together for a, once again, delicious dinner at a restaurant called Contravento. We had red wine, a fresh mozzarella and prosciutto appetizer, steak, and then a delicious ice cream and coffee liqueur dessert. Between the wine and the food and the company this trip was a 10 all around. After the long dinner of socializing with all of the foundation members and students, we decided to see what Estonian night clubs were all about. We started the night on the 24th floor of our hotel, at a waaay too fancy bar, but the balcony and view of the city and the sea were pretty awesome. After that we headed to where the locals told us was the best, Club Privè. Best night of my life. We had so much fun drinking and dancing all night and meeting the locals. And the Fin's too (they all come to Tallinn by ferry on the weekends because the booze is so much cheaper, haha). When 4:30 am rolled around we headed home, the sun was already up (it doesn't set until 11 and it's up at 3:30), and the best/worse part was some of us girls had a bus to catch to Riga, Latvia in one hour. The clubs don't close until 6 am so 4:30 was pretty reasonable I guess, haha. Since the sun doesn't set until so late, people don't even go out until 12:30-1. When we left I honestly felt like I had been in there for so long, since the sun was up! So, we grabbed a Hesburger (it was the only thing open but surprisingly good), showered, and walked to the bus station.

After dinner at Contravento in Old Town.

Before heading out for the night!

Our 5 am selfie lol

After no sleep, you can guess we all passed out on the bus ride to Riga. But once we arrived, we were ready to explore another beautiful Baltic city. One of the girls had played basketball at UNO with a girl from Latvia so it worked out perfectly that she would show us around the city. We wandered around all day and had a really great time in Riga, Latvia.

Another Russian orthodox cathedral in Latvia.

Freedom Square

Had to stop for happy hour

The next day, we were finally well rested and we had the opportunity to speak to another government official. At the Estonian embassy, we learned about Estonian politics and foreign affairs. Once again, it was really interesting and a great experience. I learned so much during my week in Estonia. Later that day, I went for one of the best runs of my life, through Kadriog park, which contains a Russian palace, and for miles along Baltic Sea. On my way home, I stopped along one of the beaches, walked along the sand, and put my feet in the freezing water. There's something I absolutely love about the ocean and being alone and standing in one on the opposite side of the world and realizing how far away I actually was such a cool feeling.

My favorite

The Kadriorg Palace

The most beautiful place for a run
That night we had another wonderful dinner together with lots of wine and good company. Listening to the stories that Kalle shared was so cool and even just learning about the Estonian way of life was something that I loved.
On Tuesday, we took a day trip to Tartu, Estonia and toured the University of Tartu, one of the oldest and best schools in the world. We spent the day touring the university and the city, having lunch with students that were currently studying at the university, and seeing the university's museum. The University of Tartu and Nebraska Wesleyan have an exchange program for students to study abroad, both in America and Estonia. We were able to meet some of the students during our time in Tartu.

The fountain of kissing students in Tartu, Estonia

One of the original classrooms

The lock up where students would spend up to three weeks as discipline.

All that is left from a cathedral after being burned by the Soviets.

Wednesday was our last official day together as a group and we spent the day going to the Museum of Occupations in Tallinn. I learned a lot about the different occupations the Estonians have been under but nothing compared to what I learned from Kalle, Jaak, and Harry. They told stories about what it was like growing up and living under Soviet rule and some of the gruesome things they had seen throughout the years. That night we had our final delicious dinner together as a group at the Three Sisters Hotel in Old Town. We, once again, had the full three course steak dinner and lots of pinot grigio. My fave. We all talked about our favorite parts of the week and Harry even asked us questions about what we had learned. It was our last night together so of course all of us students found our way to bar called Shooters after that. I had so much fun that last night with everyone. It was an awesome group of people to spend the week with.

So thankful to Harry and Reba Huge for not only providing me with a wonderful scholarship but the opportunity to see another part of the world. Our week in Estonia was the trip of a lifetime.

Had so much fun with these two!

My roommate and I

Earlier in the week I had an "oh shit" moment when I realized that I had scheduled my flight a day later than I had originally planned. So after realizing that it would cost a boatload of money to change it, I booked a hostel and a ferry ticket to Helsinki, Finland. Some of the other girls were staying a few additional day as well so it worked out perfectly. So after another night of minimal/no sleep, we got on the ferry-boat to spend the day in Helsinki. When we got there, we made our way to the harbor and Old Town, while walking along the coast. I absolutely loved this city. I think it was the water, but between that and the colorful buildings, I was in awe. The air was so clean and fresh and it was absolutely beautiful. There were also huge markets everywhere with fresh fruit, meat, cheeses, fish, and handmade goods. It was honestly so cool. So we checked out the huge churches and the architecture of the city just wandering around, grabbed a piece of fresh salmon for lunch, and then headed back to Tallinn so that we would be able to attend a reception at the US ambassadors house. My stupid mistake of messing up my dates actually worked out so perfectly. I was able to see Helsinki and go to a party at the US ambassadors house (with a small group as most of the students had left). Pretty friggin cool.

Helsinki was absolutely beautiful.

the best strawberries i've ever had

Another Russian orthodox cathedral

When in helsinki i guess
After the reception, the few students and the foundation members, headed to Jaak Litma's house together, as his wife Tivey, had prepared the most wonderful dinner for us. This may have been my favorite meal. They had a beautiful Scandinavian home (which ironically used to belong to the highest ranking Soviets during the occupation), with the most beautiful yard I have ever seen. She had each tree labeled with what kind it was, there were peonies and lilies, a cherry tree, it was surrounded by a forest and talk trees. It was so so pretty. We started out with champagne and brie cheese, then a delicious squash soup, then the main dish of a pork loin, golden potatoes, and a fresh radish and tomato salad. It was delicious. For dessert we had the best strawberry shortcake I have ever eaten, with fresh strawberries, fresh cream, and even meringues on top. I could've died it was so good. Once again there was bottles and bottles of wine and the company and conversation was great. We sat and talked and ate until about 12:30 am, and then I made my way back to my hostel in Old Town (which was super nice for my first one ever). The next day, it was time to head back to Prague.
I learned so much during my week in Estonia and I can't even begin to describe how thankful I am to the Huge Foundation for giving me this opportunity. This foundation has given me a worldwide network and new friends, and so many opportunities the past two years. The week I spent in Estonia was one of the best experiences I have ever had and I seriously fell in love with The country. I really hope I can go back someday. It's different than the other typical European destinations, it's off the beaten path, and you truly get to experience what Estonian life is like. There are hardly any tourists so the city was calm and I felt really safe during my entire trip. It is a marvelous little country that is really doing it right. For what the people have gone through, they're some of the nicest and most helpful i've ever met. I could go on and on but it was an experience I'll never forget and I am truly grateful to the Huge family for letting me experience this wonderful country.
Therin, I have so enjoyed these pictures.......they are awesome and what a treasure for you to keep. I am so happy that you got to see so much of Eastern Europe as I know it must be so beautiful. You are one lucky girl. I love the pics of you. I think of you everyday. Love gram Avis